Monday, February 7, 2011

Gonna start grinding about 30 min before my lesson. Should help me get warmed up and focused.

I want to discuss a hand where i lost a big pot w/ vital myth, and make a few notes of what i feel i have been noticing at 25NL

Every one seems to be 3 betting very lite, and no one seems to be folding very much to 3 bets. I am going to employ a strategy of three betting wider for value, and seldom as a bluff. In addition, I am going to be opening much tighter than I normally would because I do not want to be 3 bet folding.

The 25NL pool seems like all the players lean toward super cally or super spazzy. Vs the spazzier people i intend to play a more pot controlly game, and vs the more cally people I intend to play more for thin value.

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